Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Some Google Alerts for Grady Nutt YouTube Videos

Web 3 new results for "Grady Nutt"
Grady Nutt's 2-CD Set - YouTube
Grady Nutt's 30 YEARS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 2-CD SET is a compilation of some of Grady's Greatest Bits. His ability to tell a story could make people ...

Grady Nutt HEE HAW - "Bible Names" - YouTube
Hee Haw's Prime Minister of Humor was known for his gifted storytelling and was famous for his spontaneous comedy routines on the top-rated TV show.

Grady Nutt - Fun In The Choir - YouTube
The late great Grady Nutt from his "Prime Minister of Humor" LP.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Grady Nutt Web Update - FYI

New article posted at my web site.